Our Values

Together Seeking to Live & Love Like Jesus

Our heart at Northview Community Church is to become more like Jesus in how we live and love.

Jesus continually calls his disciples to love others the way he loves us. Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:1 to imitate Jesus’ love for us and walk in love just like Him. We believe the central calling of the church is to be followers of Jesus - and that means we actually conform our lives to be more like His and not just talk about it.

Together we seek to not only know Him deeply, but also to imitate Him to such a degree that when the world see us, they encounter Jesus and are drawn to His life and His love through us.

Together we strive to:

Be with God

We endeavor to experience the Lord’s presence, not only through reading and meditating on His Word; but also by spending time in prayer & communion with Him, building relationship and intimacy, and developing deep personal bonds. 

Become Like Jesus

We seek to apprentice at the feet of Jesus, conforming our hearts and minds to His ways.  As we spend time with Him – we emulate his methods, we study His words and deeds and continually learn and grow more like Him.

Connect in Community

We desire to grow together, building each other up in love, care and support through groups and gatherings. We recognize the benefits of worshiping, learning, working and hanging out together as a corporate body of believers. 

Live Generously

We believe it is essential to share our time, our treasure and our talents with others.  We continually ask God how we can use the gifts we have been given to serve and share His love to our body and our community.

Reach the Lost

We heed the call from Scripture to pour out love on those around us who haven’t heard the Gospel or know Jesus’ saving grace, and those who have walked away from faith. Our goal is to reach our neighbors, coworkers, relatives and anyone we encounter with the love of Christ.

Questions? Reach out to us at frontdesk@nview.org